【Hand paint and print party for family celebrations! 家族の記念にハンドペイントパーティー】 Sep 21
Sat, Sep 21
家族やカップルで、ハンドペイント画を記念につくりましょう。頼もしい手、優しい手、小さなおててのプリントで、素敵な作品が出来上がります。Create a hand-painted picture as a souvenir with your family or couple. With a reliable hand, a gentle hand, and a small hand print, you can create wonderful works.
Sep 21, 2024, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
アートパーティトーキョー, 日本、〒106-0041 東京都港区麻布台1丁目9−12 飯倉台ビル 4F
◎時間:13:30-15:00 (開場13:20~,閉場15:10)
◎料金:¥6,050(税¥550)- /1作品(ご家族でも、カップルでも同価格です。)
【Hand print & painting Party】
Create a hand-painted painting with your family or as a couple. A reliable hand, a gentle hand, or a small hand print will be a great keepsake!
It is fun to put the colors on the canvas and choose the colors for the print! In about 2 hours, you will create a beautiful work of art that shows your family or couple's personality. Don't worry if you are not good at drawing. Our art experts with knowledge of color science will help you choose colors!
Come and enjoy a creative Saturday!!!
◎Date: Sep 21(Sat)
◎Time:13:30-15:00 (open13:20,close15:10)
◎Cost: ¥6,50(tax¥550)- A artwork per family or a couple
◎Contents: F4 size canvas (you can choose any shape you like). Art materials and supplies included. (If you wish to have your work delivered, we accept payment on delivery.)
◎What to bring: Nothing in particular. We will lend you an apron, but we recommend that you wear clothes that you don't mind getting your painting materials on unexpected places.
◎Others: You are welcome to bring your own snacks and drinks.
Hand paint party
1家族または1カップル1作品分のチケットです。Ticket for 1 work for a family or a couple.
¥5,500Tax: +¥550 消費税+¥151 service feeSale ended